Saturday, December 18, 2010

From the Kitchen to the Corner Office

Everyone has a million dollar story that they can turn into a book. The best books, from a business perspective, serve as a lead generator that points readers to their other products and services. Incorporating personal experience into a book and a thriving business is much more than sharing the author’s life story. It involves matching the author’s passion and expertise to a marketplace hungry for the solutions the author provides.
Michelle Yozzo Drake learned life lessons from her mother and the other strong women of her family in the kitchen. Her women’s wisdom network taught her much more than how to make a great meal. Now she incorporates kitchen table lessons into a coaching program that teaches women to develop strong leadership skills in the business arena.

But for her, being a strong leader means much more than running a company. According to Yozzo Drake, it means “striking a balance between all of the roles we as women must fill, and bringing their feminine wisdom into every aspect of their personal and professional lives.”

Her book, From the Kitchen to the Corner Office – Mom’s Wisdom on Leadership, teaches women to bring the lessons of their mothers and of motherhood into all aspects of their life. The book releases in April with Morgan James Publishing. 

A book becomes the most powerful lead generator for a business when it offers readers a way to work with the author. The most successful authors do much more than sell books. Royalties are incidental income as compared with what they generate from income streams such as speaker fees, workshops, coaching programs, consulting fees, or other products and services.

From the Kitchen to the Corner Office is an example of this principle in action. Purchase of the book includes a free bonus seminar called Mom’s MBA. As a gift to women who are serious about their career success, she will reveal the strategies for which she normally charges four to five figures in the free seminar.

Yozzo Drake said, “I want to help women achieve – and show them how much motherhood can be the ultimate business training ground.”

Business mentoring with Awaken The Author showed her how to write an entrepreneurially sound book that also grows her coaching practice. 

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