Thursday, January 6, 2011

Using Emotions to Manipulate People

If you want to emotionally manipulate people then you need to think of yourself as an artist who skillfully performs his art that the viewers of the art are only able to see the end result and not understand the intricacies of his workings.
You already know that you are taking a risk by trying to manipulate others so; the key here is to fly under the radar and avoid getting caught. When you are learning how to manipulate others do it slowly starting with your friends and immediate family. This way of practicing can be compared to a martial artist practicing shadow boxing before he takes on real opponents.
Now, that you know how to start we will discuss what to do in order to successfully manipulate people. Specifically, we will see how to use the dominant emotions of people to get what we want. The dominant emotion varies from person to person. For instance, a person who is interested in stock markets, horse racing or Forex will succumb to tricks that target the greed factor. On the other hand a person interested in charity, philanthropy or church will be open to any suggestions that give him a 'feel good' effect.
Once you know the dominant emotion of the person then you can tailor your words and actions that appeal to the dominant emotion of the person.
At first, you will find it difficult to figure this out but as you observe their patterns of behavior you can 'crack the code' in a few days.
The interesting thing is once you start doing this, you will create a set of 'personality profiles' in your mind that the time taken to break the code will keep reducing every time until you reach a stage where you will be able to spot patterns in a person's behavior within a few minutes.
Finally, we will see what type of attitude is required to learn effective manipulation. What you are about to read is a bit heavy but after all manipulation is not a light subject so pay attention. You need to think of yourself as a scientist and the world is your laboratory and humans are like the rats in your laboratory. A scientist injects different compounds on a rat and observes its behavior and then records the results. Likewise you need to constantly learn how people respond to different stimulus and record the observations in your mind for latter use.

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