Sunday, February 28, 2010


Successful businesses are well planned and well capitalized. Being well capitalized means having the ability to access capital when you need it, it doesn't mean that it has to be venture capital. But if venture capital is what you want, then this book will teach you how to:
  • Test to see if your business can qualify for venture capital
  • Find the venture capitalist that is the exact match for your need
  • Know what mistakes will kill your deal before you ever have a chance
  • Get that personal meeting that is vital to your opportunity to succeed
  • Put on the very best presentation when you only have one shot at it
Many entrepreneurs lose valuable time and opportunities in their businesses because they are chasing something that they can never catch, why? Because they never took the time to study what they were trying to do or who they were trying to catch. Would you hunt moose in Hawaii with a BB gun? Stupid right? But how many entrepreneurs set off in search of venture capital without ever having taken the time to know if they even qualify or what firms offer even close to what they are seeking? They are completely wasting their time while the window of opportunity on their business plan closes.
Hopefully that is not a description of you. If you will take the time to go carefully through this book you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt if you qualify for venture capital and how to proceed to attempt to obtain it.
The information in this book is from methods that are proven, but you will only benefit from them if you apply them. Kind of like the difference between having a membership to the gym and actually working out. The task of obtaining venture capital is not for the faint of heart or those easily discouraged. It is only for those that seek great things for their business and have the tremendous drive that it takes to succeed.
Statistics show that 90% of all new businesses fail. I believe that is a direct result of the failure to plan. Take the opportunity to plan and complete every step in this book and along with my other book "Prepare and Present a Successful Request For Business Capital". Then use to find the funding sources that exactly match what you need.

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